Best Practices

Introduction to Timed Text in DCPs

The Digital Cinema Package (DCP) format includes a feature for playing timed text files alongside your content. This functionality allows for localization in multiple languages

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Best Practices

Sound levels in cinema

Theatrical audio mixes differ from broadcast, disc, and online audio mixes in a number of ways. When delivering your files for DCP creation, it’s important

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Best Practices

Picking the Right Aspect Ratio

Throughout film history directors, cinematographers, distributors, and exhibitors have engaged in a fierce battle of wills over the shape and size of projection formats. The

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Best Practices

Color in Digital Cinema

What sets Digital Cinema apart from conventional digital video more than any other feature is its support for a broad, high quality spectrum of color.

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Best Practices

Notes on frame rate conversion

For years, 24 fps has been the universal standard of digital cinema. While a handful of vendors have supported alternative frame rates, full support still

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